τροχαίο αλκοόλ

New updates from a deadly multi-vehicle crash in Austin

Alcohol, Tragedy and the Legacy of Philip Lutzenkirchen

Drugs or alcohol likely a factor in deadly Winnetka crash, officials say

Police suspect alcohol factor in car crash that killed child, man on Detroit’s west side

Parked police car creates domino effect as vehicles crash on icy Oregon road

Tiger Woods: Alcohol, Drugs Not a Factor in Car Accident, Sheriff Says

Suspect in deadly I-95 crash had blood alcohol content twice over legal limit, sources say

Excesos de velocidad y alcohol habrían ocasionado tres siniestros viales en Cali

DTLA churro vendor fatally struck by suspected drunk driver #shorts

Suspected drunk driver crashes into northwest-side home, according to police

El exceso de velocidad y el alcohol causaron accidente en Banderas


'Conduce sin alcohol', salvando vidas las 24 horas en la CDMX

Pierde a su hija en un atropello y el conductor, con alcohol en sangre, aún no ha pisado la cárcel

Choque entre auto y moto en Belgrano: el conductor del auto dio positivo en alcohol y en drogas

Oklahoma teenager behind the wheel in fatal crash sues convenience store that sold him alcohol

Alcohol y velocidad: ¡se registra fuerte choque en Circuito Interior!

Ρεκόρ κλήσεων από την τροχαία για οδήγηση υπό επήρεια αλκοόλ (ΑΡΤ, 24/4/19)

Buzzed Driving - Health Matters

Easter weekend | Minister Nzimande on a road safety campaign

Drink driving, it will haunt you

Rise in deaths from drink-driving accidents in Singapore this year

Driver braking for turtle causes multi-car accident in Florida #shorts

‘Justice has been served:’ Man sentenced in DUI crash that split car, killed girl